Philips sgs306 trafficvision

Philips trafficvisions are nice lanterns, there are quite a few of them on the M25. They are on 14m columns and run a 400w SON bulb and I sometimes see them with no back canopy on them! Once I even saw one with no lantern, just the mounting spigot!


These ones are on the M25. They are group controlled, meaning that they don’t have a photocell. They run 400w SON and are on 14M hexagonal columns.

Here are Philips trafficvisions with the column attached to the side of a bridge. 

There is something wrong with this column, one of the doors is missing!

This is under the Philips trafficvisions.

The Philips trafficvision on the right has lost it’s back canopy! I don’t know how this happened, but I know that this definitely doesn’t  work, as the gear is mounted in the back canopy, so it has no gear!

I also don’t know how this happend, because both lanterns have lost their back canopy!